Saturday, June 19, 2010


I HATE BULLIES!!! Now, u might think this is kinda random (maybe).But the thing is, it's actually not. See, i've been bullyed my whole life in person, and i get over it. But recently, i've been cyberbullyed. By a girl named KATIE VOLPENTESTA. First of all, she wasn't really bullying me. She waz bullying my friends. And like friends do, i defended them and dragged myself into this. But then she started bullying me. this is what she said to me and my friends.

Me: u suck, ur a stalker, ur stupid, ur a retard
Emily: ur a turd, u suck, ur a retard
Sachi: ur a boy

see what i mean??? and just the way she talked was mean. So i blocked her. Cuz thankfully on gmail u can block people.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Computer Freezes........AGAIN

well, i opened up the internet to go on gmail. AND GUESS WHAT???My computer freezes AGAIN!!! U know that's one of my pet peeves. I know this sounds crazy, but sometimes i want to punch my computer in the face. Here is a screenshot of what happened.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

French open v.s FIFA world cup

Ok. So the french open. Guess what????? Im going to be watching the world cup instead. WHY???? Because (in a whisper) roger federer lost a game. ISN'T THAT TERRIBLE. I think i cried when I found out. Anyway, to be honest I really don't like tennis (cause im kinda bad at it). I actually like soccer a lot more. Im kinda good at it (besides the fact that im in divison 4). But usually it's not on TV besides those stinky MLS games where they score a goal every 40 minutes. *I* like the games where they bounce around the soccer ball on their heads like ping pong. THAT is fun to watch. Also, the World Cup is pretty epic. Go USA!!