Monday, November 22, 2010

Spirit week!!!!!!!!! (yay) AND thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!

i only have 2 full school days this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehe and then wednesday is a half day
and thanksgiving im going to stuff my face with yummyness
and thanksgiving break im finally seeing harry potter 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not to mention this week is spirit week!!!!!
monday (which was today) was pj day (haha who knew school could be so cozy)
tuesday is celebrity day but i have no idea who to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and finally wednesday is hiller's day (which is easy cuz it's just colors)
Hehe doesn't this post just make you excited?!!??!?!??!?!????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mwahaha my life is so exciting

Sunday, November 14, 2010


i forgot about you guys. Well i only have 1 follower so it doesn't really matter....................................
im really bored right now.....just made a polymer clay cake.
Oh and the biggest news is blogger is finally cooperating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see my background?!?!?!?
i also deleted the poll since no one wanted it and some links.
anyway check my youtube account cuz i go on their a heck of a lot more.
blogging is not as fun as i thought it would be............. XD

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


DUMB BLOGGER IS NOT COOPERATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's so freaking frusterating!!!!!!!!!!!!Rjgh5noeijievksajmfrnkjcwe,kjnghjggjkkmjmjjhjh (takes out anger on keyboard)
im supposed to have this really cool background but instead it's just orangggeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >=(


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Spanish Verizon ad

I found this on youtube........and i was just like WTH??????? It's a spanish verizon ad!!!!!!!!! ON YOUTUBE!!! I dont' even speak spanish jeez.......................

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Sorry that i haven't posted anything recently.....been busy
Welcome Youtubers that got here through my youtube channel and those who don't know about my youtube account go to
webkinz(LOL) : pony88
Moshi monsters: dolphin2348

I don't have a twitter or facebook, but i do have a gmail but im not giving it out.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I HATE BULLIES!!! Now, u might think this is kinda random (maybe).But the thing is, it's actually not. See, i've been bullyed my whole life in person, and i get over it. But recently, i've been cyberbullyed. By a girl named KATIE VOLPENTESTA. First of all, she wasn't really bullying me. She waz bullying my friends. And like friends do, i defended them and dragged myself into this. But then she started bullying me. this is what she said to me and my friends.

Me: u suck, ur a stalker, ur stupid, ur a retard
Emily: ur a turd, u suck, ur a retard
Sachi: ur a boy

see what i mean??? and just the way she talked was mean. So i blocked her. Cuz thankfully on gmail u can block people.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Computer Freezes........AGAIN

well, i opened up the internet to go on gmail. AND GUESS WHAT???My computer freezes AGAIN!!! U know that's one of my pet peeves. I know this sounds crazy, but sometimes i want to punch my computer in the face. Here is a screenshot of what happened.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

French open v.s FIFA world cup

Ok. So the french open. Guess what????? Im going to be watching the world cup instead. WHY???? Because (in a whisper) roger federer lost a game. ISN'T THAT TERRIBLE. I think i cried when I found out. Anyway, to be honest I really don't like tennis (cause im kinda bad at it). I actually like soccer a lot more. Im kinda good at it (besides the fact that im in divison 4). But usually it's not on TV besides those stinky MLS games where they score a goal every 40 minutes. *I* like the games where they bounce around the soccer ball on their heads like ping pong. THAT is fun to watch. Also, the World Cup is pretty epic. Go USA!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The term "Following". Doesn't that seem stalkerish?????? I think it does. But it also makes me feel like a celebrity when people follow u, doesn't it?????? So..........CAN U FOLLOW ME????

p.s. I changed the followers title to stalkers. Ain't that funny. hahahaha. But don't feel bad if u follow me ok.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Skunks. They're famous for being stinky. Rejected from society, skunks might not be that bad! In fact, THEY'RE NOT! Here is a summary. They are cute, fluffy, innocent, black and white squirrels who just happen to have an unusual way of self defence. To be serious, they're more scared of us than we're scared of them. Come on, look. WE run them over, WE complain about them, WE are mean to them. But thankfully, skunks have hope. Some humans (like me) love thme. Believe it or not, some people have them as pets. So next time you see one, show some love.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Roger Federer

I think that roger federer is hot and cute. I do not see why people think that Rafael Nadel is hotter and better than him. HE IS ALL HOT AND SWEATY AND GROSS! However Roger, with his sparkling blue eyes, and beautiful walnut colored wavy hair, and not to mention his charming smile, is the CUTEST GUY IN ALL OF HISTORY! I wish that people would worship roger instead of swearing at him. Here is something from Yahoo (tm) answers.

Q=What makes Roger Federer so cute?

One Answer: He's not.
Another: Nothing.....I think Novak Djokovic is waaaayyyy better looking then him...
Another: He isn't cute.
Yet another: cute???? HOTTTT??? are you blind?he's no cute at all.......Nadal is HOT, Federer is NOT !!!!!

Well if I can't even pronounce that other guy's name then Roger is MUCH cuter.
Also someday I will get back at the person who said Nadal is hot cuz he's NOT!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Silly Bandz

So. There are these things called silly bandz that everyone has. All they are are little rubber bands shaped like animals and stuff. For a pack of 24 they are 4.80. That is a pretty good price. But one thing I don't get is why everyone is going crazy over them. Sure they are cool but they are nothing special. However even I want one badly. So for my birthday (april 12) I will ask for some. Maybe I will get some, I don't know.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hi peeps

Hello! I just created a gmail and a blog in the same day. Yay! I also got 2 platy fish who i will name later. Now i will go to bed.